by Matteo Gasparello

Lead Generation Strategy

Why Your Lead Generation Strategy Isn’t Working and How to Fix It

By Matteo Gasparello

Ever feel like your lead generation strategy is just pouring money down the drain?

I’ve been there—working with fast-growing companies like BlueLabel and YML, I’ve seen what happens when marketing efforts look great on paper but fail to bring in qualified leads.

The issue is, most lead gen strategies are stuck chasing volume over quality—lots of leads, but few that actually convert into paying clients.

It’s not that you’re not trying hard enough; it’s that there are a few key gaps you’re probably missing.

Let’s take a look at where things tend to go wrong and, more importantly, how to fix them.

1. Your Audience Targeting is Too Broad (or Just Plain Wrong)

Not all leads are created equal.

One of the biggest issues I’ve seen iscasting too wide a net, hoping for a big catch.

But the problem with quantity over quality is that you’re spending time and resources chasing leads who don’t care about your service.

This happened with BlueLabel when I first started working with them.

They were getting leads, sure—but not the right ones. We took a step back and rebuilt their customer persona from scratch.

We built the right case studies around them.

We focused on quality.

The lead flow slowed down...but the conversions went way up.

2. You’re Generating Leads, But They’re Not Converting

Does this sound familiar?

A company generates tons of leads, only to have them fall through the cracks when it’s time to close the deal.

Lead generation feels like a success when the pipeline is full. But are those leads actually getting nurtured properly?

With more than one client, we were dealing with the same thing: a high volume of leads but poor conversion rates.

The solution?

We segmented them into low, mid, and high-quality leads and focused our resources on nurturing the high-quality ones.

"Don’t treat all leads equally. Prioritize them." was the mantra.

Instead of spreading ourselves too thin, we laser-focused on leads most likely to convert into contracts.

3. Your Funnel is Leaking Leads

Even if you’re generating great leads, if your funnel is poorly structured, they’ll never make it to the finish line.

What happens after a prospect fills out a form or downloads a whitepaper?

If you’re not engaging them immediately, they’ll lose interest.

We ran into this exact issue with YML.

Leads would drop off in the consideration phase because we weren’t doing enough to nurture them after the first touch.

Once we implemented a better follow-up system—targeted emails, tailored content for each stage of the buyer journey—those leads started moving through the funnel faster.

So what can you do?

Map out your customer journey from start to finish. Identify where you’re losing leads, and fix it by implementing targeted nurturing campaigns. Automate where you can, but make sure it feels personal.

Tracking Your Metrics: What Really Matters?

If you’re not tracking the right key performance indicators (KPIs), you’re flying blind.

I always keep a close eye on metrics like :

  • cost per lead (CPL),
  • conversion rates,
  • and customer acquisition cost (CAC)

because these numbers tell you exactly where your strategy is failing and where it’s thriving.

For example, at BlueLabel, I noticed that our CPL was higher on LinkedIn than on platforms like Clutch, and the leads from Clutch were far more likely to convert.

By reallocating budget accordingly, we lowered our acquisition costs and improved overall ROI.

Actionable step:

Set up a dashboard that tracks these KPIs in real-time. You should be able to pull up the numbers on demand and see exactly which channels are working—and which aren’t.

Quick Wins to Fix Your Lead Generation Strategy

The good thing is that you don’t probably need a complete overhaul to fix your lead gen startegy.

Just focus on the areas that can give you the biggest return right now.

  1. Reassess your ad spend: Stop wasting money on channels that aren’t delivering. For instance, at BlueLabel, we shifted budget from underperforming LinkedIn ads to Clutch, and we saw an immediate increase in lead quality.
  2. Optimize your landing pages: Even small changes—like improving load times or tweaking your calls to action—can lead to significant bumps in conversion rates. Make sure your landing pages are built to convert, not just collect clicks.
  3. A/B test everything: From email sequences to landing pages to ad copy—don’t guess what’s working. Test it, track it, and iterate.

Why You Need a Generalist CMO (aka me)

Fixing lead generation isn’t about patching up individual pieces of your strategy.

It’s about having a leader who can take a step back, look at the full funnel, and make smart, cross-channel decisions.

That’s where a Fractional CMO—someone like me, who understands how to optimize everything from PPC to SEO to content—comes in.

When I worked with PrimeTSR, I didn’t just tweak ads or throw out a new SEO strategy. I took a holistic approach—looking at how every part of the lead generation funnel worked together—and that’s what made the difference.

TLDR? 4 Key Takeaways for you:

  1. Don’t guess what’s working. Track KPIs, test everything.
  2. Stop focusing on lead volume. Start focusing on lead quality.
  3. Reallocate your marketing spend to channels that actually deliver.
  4. Get strategic about nurturing leads through every stage of the funnel.

Fix the Leaks, Grow the Leads

Lead generation doesn’t have to be a black hole for your marketing budget.

By tightening up your audience targeting, nurturing high-quality leads, and plugging leaks in your funnel, you can turn things around fast.

And if you need help?

Well, that’s where I come in.

Let’s talk about how we can get your lead generation strategy back on track.

I’ve helped companies like BlueLabel and YML optimize their lead funnels—let’s see what I can do for you.

By Matteo Gasparello, Fractional CMO

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